quanto influisce lo sport sulla vita Sportlab Milano

The Importance of Sport in Life

“ "Exercise is like an antibiotic. A single dose doesn't need much. But if  you take it regularly, it is exactly the care you need. " Neal D. Barnard said so. Founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), anorganization that intends to create a network of doctors, s scientists and ordinary citizens, in order to promote preventive medicine.

The advantages of sports: benefits for the body and mind

At any age, whether it's a walk, a football game with friends or a workout in the gym preceded by a good warm-up, there are many physical and mental benefits brought by movement.

According to the WHO (the World Health Organization), giving the right attention
to sports reduces the risk of diabetes, stroke, cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease; physical inactivity is in fact the fourth reason for death in the world.

Physical activity, therefore, not only extends life, but above all improves its quality.
The beneficial action of sport does not only concern the health of the body, but also that of the mind.

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Doing physical activity regularly is a real panacea for the psychic sphere: sport increases the release of endorphins, decreasing the state of anxiety and stress.

Thus bringing psychological improvements even in the long term, identifiable in an increase in energy and enthusiasm, an increase in self-esteem and greater mental alertness.

Sport against a sedentary lifestyle

I In a world where people move less and less, sport presents itself as an excellent solution to combat the problem of a sedentary lifestyle.

Long periods of sedentary lifestyle represent a risk factor; even with minimal amounts of physical activity, a sedentary person can reap great health benefits. Even the activities of daily life, such as walking, climbing stairs, cycling are simple actions that are good for health.

"Every move counts" (any type of movement counts) says the WHO; a little physical activity is always better than nothing, and increasing the amount allows you to get additional health benefits.