All those who approach the world of sport are followed along their path by professionals, who help to know the technique and improve it to create an optimal final performance.
In this article we have left space to our Expert Dr Alessandro Maniero, Chiropractor with specialization in Osteopathic Manual Therapy, Mcb massage therapist.
Dr Maniero invented and patented the Maniero Method Inversion Therapy, for the treatment of back pain and compressive pathologies of the spinal column.
He is to all intents and purposes a global researcher of well-being and personal, psychophysical and nutritional balance.
Between saying and doing there is athletic training
One of my goals in my work is to help my athletes improve the dysfunctional biomechanics of their running.
A phrase that over time I made mine was "Between saying and doing there is the sea", because yes, the moment we say we want to do something, time passes. My figure lies precisely in making that doing, helping advanced athletes and / or agonists to throw themselves into that "Sea", made up of athletic preparation, training, injuries, therapies, all the professional figures of reference and much more ...
What is created is a double relationship, athlete-therapist, where the athlete for me becomes "My Formula 1".
Virtually everything you play with athletes is immediately tested on the track, on the playing field, in the gym. Noticing the change and improvement of various dysfunctions and / or pains, I apply my method, practically everywhere!
In a historical moment in which the times for tests or to get involved are reduced to the bone, experience plays a fundamental role. Thanks to it, I am able to carry out a 360 ° performing work.
I consider myself an attentive person, curious in the continuous search for training. With every athlete it is necessary that a relationship of trust is triggered and for that, we all know, it takes a lot of time and perseverance.
Athletic training with the Troiani twins

In November 2019 I meet one of the Troiani triplets, Alexandra, away from competitions and from her ideal form for almost a year, all due to an injury somewhere in her body, which she knew how to recognize but not treat.
After going to various specialists, who did not give her the desired results, we met.
From there my path also with the other two twins, Serena And Virginia.
Little by little that positive practical alchemy cemented that led us to the Italian title in the 4x400m relay with the best Italian team time trial in 2021.
So it would all seem easy, but as previously written, the sea is involved ...
This time I had to win the trust with three athletes, yes sisters, yes twins, but different in their needs.
This is why I sometimes dedicate myself to them as a team, but often I need to follow them individually to deal with each of their single problems.
As written before, each of them has well-marked specifications.
The techniques and products used are not all good, indeed we are very picky and critical about it.
We cannot ignore the Maniero Method inversion therapy, which uses the inversion bench on my scientifically proven method, from tissue ionotherapy with ioniflex, which induces the body to rebalance energy through negative ions and lately also with magnetotherapy, Cellvital which helps us in the microcirculation , when I am not there and neither are my "holy hands" so my hands are called that have very little of a saint when I make my patients howl, forgive me you know it is for a just cause, you need to find products and tools that can support athletes and patients in their daily lives, and therefore I recommend the inversion bench, the cabbage leaves as anti-pain and inflammatory, and various products to apply.
Here the world of various creams and ointments is populated out of all proportion, but few products really help.
SportLab Milano products for all athletes
Lately through Sere, Virgi and Alex I learned about new SportLab Milano products.
I'm testing them by bringing them also to the world of basketball.
Sanga Milano new technical Partner of SportLab Milano
Sanga Milan women's team that plays in the A2 National Championship, where I am the head of the therapeutic sector, we are using the WARMUP CREAM and the COOLDOWN CREAM recently, but the first excellent results were not long in coming and I am very happy.
All experiences must be lived firsthand and for this I like to remember to take the time to love yourself.